Current Practices in UAS-based Environmental Monitoring
byG. Tmušic, S. Manfreda, H. Aasen, M. R. James, G. Gonçalves, A. Brook, M. Polinova, J. J. Arranz, J. Mészáros, R. Zhuang, k. Johansen, Y. Malbéteau, I. P. de Lima, C. Davids, S. Herban, E. Ben Dor, M.F. McCabe
Extra Information
Remote Sensing, Vol 12, Issue 6, (2020)
With the increasing role that unmanned
aerial systems (UAS) are playing in data collection for environmental
studies, two key challenges relate to harmonizing and providing
standardized guidance for data collection, and also establishing
protocols that are applicable across a broad range of environments and
conditions. In this context, a network of scientists are cooperating
within the framework of the Harmonious Project to develop and promote
harmonized mapping strategies and disseminate operational guidance to
ensure best practice for data collection and interpretation. The
culmination of these efforts is summarized in the present manuscript.
Through this synthesis study, we identify the many interdependencies of
each step in the collection and processing chain, and outline approaches
to formalize and ensure a successful workflow and product development.
Given the number of environmental conditions, constraints, and variables
that could possibly be explored from UAS platforms, it is impractical
to provide protocols that can be applied universally under all
scenarios. However, it is possible to collate and systematically order
the fragmented knowledge on UAS collection and analysis to identify the
best practices that can best ensure the streamlined and rigorous
development of scientific products.